I don't know why, but I love washing clothes. There are few things that I truly love when it comes to 'chores', but washing clothes ranks very high, probably next to vacuuming, which is another thing that I deeply love to do. Yes, I am strange.
Now folding clothes...that's another matter, but washing and drying clothes is fun for me. So I thought I would put out some recommendations for what to use since it's hard to find places online that list anything with regards to laundry, at least none that I can find which are not heavily advertised, of course each manufacturer is going to say that their product is the best...right?
Ok, so here goes:
Since I am using an Amana Front Loader (he) washing machine, everything pertains to that, but I think the results would be the same for conventional washers, although I must say that the front-loader is the way to go, it uses less energy, less water, and is better on your clothes. Since people spend money on clothes I think it only makes sense to take care of them so they last awhile.
Best detergent: Tide
You can get this is all sizes and shapes and with a variety of scents, but there is a reason why Tide costs as much as it does....it works. You can get Tide that has no dyes and perfumes as well, which I recommend for towels and bed sheets. Tide all the way, although if you want a cheaper alternative go with Purex. Never use powders, only liquids.
Best detergent for dark clothes: Woolite Dark Laundry
The problem with washing dark clothes is fading, especially jeans and t-shirts, but Woolite has introduced this amazing product that works fantastic. I highly recommend this for denim!
Best detergent for colors: Woolite All Colors
Most people are afraid to wash vibrant colors, but Woolite All Colors is great for those loads that have tons of colors, especially when washing a load of reds. I prefer to wash red by itself and then wash all other colors together.
Best detergent (concentrate): Method (he)
Method comes in a tiny little bottle, but packs a huge punch and is perfect for people who don't have tons of space and also do small loads such as college students, singles, or even couples.
Best bleach: Clorox 2 (for colors)
This comes in a variety of scents, but is a must-use as it's one of the few bleaches out there that you can use 100% with colors and without any issues of bleeding.
Best fabric softner: Ultra Purex Soft (rainflower mist)
While it might cost less than the rest this one is the best with only Snuggle being a close second. Purex gives just the right amount of scent without causes your clothes to get stiff or over-powered with scent.
Best fabric softner sheets: Snuggle Blue Sparkle/ Arm & Hammer Essentials (Tie)
Both of these are excellent the Snuggle is preferrable if you want just a mild smell to your clothes, whereas the Arm & Hammer is far more potent, so it's a matter of preference. You might want to use the Arm & Hammer for heavier loads or heavier materials like towels or jeans, although I NEVER recommend putting jeans in the dryer.
Wow. I had no idea...
Hi. Interesting blog! Personally I do not do laundry myself but my maid says that Woolite is the best detergent. I myself browsed the net and on this great site www.pissedconsumer.com read more about the products offered by the company. You can look up the site and you may find a variety of other companies and customer reports.
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