Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Let's Go Pens!

NHL playoffs are just around the corner and this year has been an exciting one on several fronts. With the new scoring style the divisions and conferences are super-tight meaning that even up to the playoffs teams are battling game after game. It's very easy with a string of wins or loses to go from the top to the bottom and that makes hockey one of the most exciting sports to watch end to end. The Pens have also played well this season despite some incredible obstacles: injuries galore. Fleury, Roberts, Crosby, etc etc. have all been injured for long periods of time, but that didn't stop The Pens from playing well mainly due to some important key players: Ty Conklin, Evgeni Malkin, and Ryan Malone. These three players have really stepped up in important ways during the injury prone season to lead the Penguins to the playoffs this year! Woohoo. I've had the joy of being able to attend 7 games this year and have seen more wins than loses including perhaps one of the best games i've ever seen live against the Flyers in which the Pens won 7-1 and just dominated them from whistle to whistle. There have been some other surprises this year besides Ryan Malone and Petr Sykora having incredible seasons and that is the aquisition of 2 players during a trade that have been huge assets to this team already, they are defensemen Hal Gill and forward Pascal Dupuis who have contributing some major offense and defense to this team, although Marian Hossa was a big bonus for The Pens too, even though they lost a few decent players.

So it looks like they are ready to rumble in the playoffs and have a strong, young team to do so, but I thought I would add my few cents as to what needs to happen for them to win the cup this year:

1. Crosby needs to be back and healthy.
2. Fleury needs help with rebounds and defense needs to keep the shots minimal.
3. Passing needs to be fluid and consistent.
4. Malkin needs to step up like he has even when Crosby is back.
5. Hossa and Crosby will need to find quick chemistry together.
6. The minor players need to step up as well: Kennedy, Ruutu, Taffe, Talbot.
7. Need offensive power from d-line as well: Whitney, Letang, Gonchar.
8. Powerplay needs to be hot hot hot.
9. No unecessary penalties, keep aggressive play, but play smart.
10. Team needs to be healthy and rested when possible.

I have a hard time seeing the Pens winning this year there is some seriously strong contention in the West with teams like San Jose and Detroit playing CRAZY this year.

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