A thought occurred to me recently as I saw some items at an overpriced store called Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Personally I

would like to know what could possibly be beyond beds and baths, but I suppose they'll keep it a secret. One secret though that this amazing score has been able to figure out though is how to sell things on TV. Not just ANYTHING on TV, but those things on TV that specifically and explicitly say "Not Sold In Stores". Ok. I get it...exclusive. I understand that on TV they are trying to get you to buy from them and by telling you that it's not in stores that you feel compelled and obligated to purchase it from the TV. I've noticed a huge trend with these things too, they are all things that you normally would never actually buy, but they make it sound so good! Kind of like that junk you see in the Skymall magazines when you are flying and all of a sudden you just HAVE to have a suitcase that comes with wheels that could fit on a lawnmower.
So what's up with these AS SEEN ON TV items? I heard that there are actually stores (dedicated stores that is) to selling this merchandise (see: junk). I think that they should come up with a better marketing scheme, like "Never Seen on TV". That makes it sound way cooler! Or how about something like "Never Seen By Human Eyes". That really sounds enticing and it's a lie just like the whole ...not sold in stores, yet it actually IS sold in stores and not only is it sold in stores, but it's cheaper (no

shipping charges) and it's a got a big ole' BRIGHT RED STICKER ON IT THAT SAYS THAT IT WAS SEEN ON TV!!!!!
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