Friday, April 18, 2008

SkyMall Genius...

As I was referring to the SkyMall in my previous post I realized I may have made a mistake, especially after eyeing up one of their new products....

It's an iPod dock/Toilet paper dispenser. How brilliant! It wasn't really that long ago that I realized that these two things SHOULD go together, but someone beat me to the punch. I mean, why take your iPod into the bathroom with you and just listen to it from there, you need a DOCK to play it instead. I mean listening to your iPod while on the pot, shall we call it iPot, is rather cumbersome, but if there was an actually docking station inside the bathroom, wait no...that would take up space...the only solution is to turn the dispenser into a dock...yep...that'll do it! GENIUS! What's next...putting the lyrics of your favorite songs on the paper?

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