Sunday, April 20, 2008

THEY LIVE: It's coming true!

In 1988 John Carpenter released his truly great Science Fiction Thriller/Political Black Comedy THEY LIVE, which brought to light the issues of a declining economy set against a backdrop of consumerism as people are being 'controlled' by those in power (AKA Ruling Class), yet the twist here is that these powers are actually aliens who are trying to take over, the point here is that we have become alienated by ...aliens via subliminal advertising in order to keep us stressed out, underworked, starved, desperate, etc etc. By doing so, control is available to those who are in power.

The world that Carpenter painted back in 1988 was a commentary on the Reagan era, but many of those things are horrifically coming true...

How does government control it's people? One way is to keep 'the people' stressed, fearful, overworked, underpaid, and hopeless. You see by doing so people are less likely to make a fuss if they are too tired and too busy to do anything about it. [We] are just trying to make ends meat and do our part to contribute to society in general...right? Yet in doing so, we are being controlled. The role of Government is to justly 'govern' people, not control them.

So unlike THEY LIVE where there was a fear of not having a job, now Americans have more than one job as they need to work secondary jobs in order to make a decent living for their families, who they seldom see because they are constantly working and when they are not working, they are too tired to do anything else. People are also afraid. Afraid of rising gas prices, afraid that their social security will not be there when they finally get to retired, or even afraid of silly things that the media pushes in our face in order to make us concerned, like the weather.

So if we are tired and afraid, plus being stressed we are prone to more symptoms of ailment, which brings me to my next point in the matter, which is control by way of medication. Since we our overworked and stressed out we develop issues with our bodies and there seems to be a direct correlation in the past 5-10 years with the increase in medications to cure or help with this vast array of newfound ailments, like Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). So now we are overworked, overpaid, stressed out, worried, and now....medicated. Great!

Well, at least we have hope...hope in Christ. Well guess what ...the Government is trying to control that too by taking it out of our schools and society in order to have a distinct separation between Church and State, even though our country was founded by men and women of faith who desperately desired and fought so that we may have these freedoms and most importantly a country that trusts and relies in God.

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