Tuesday, March 4, 2008

a Blography...

Today it occurred to me what the purpose of my blog is or will be. I've attempted to sum up what a blog is to several people, but for me I want my blog to essentially be me. Me that is, in pictures and paragraphs. What does that mean? Well, i've concluded that there are very very few people in the world who know me. Know me very well, know my interests, my likes, my dislikes, my hobbies, etc etc. So this blog will serve as not only 'things about me', but will serve as my biography written in real time, thus a blography. Unlike most biographies that are written about who a person was in the past and chronicling that into the present day (or present day that the biography is written) this blog will chronicle in real time my life as I choose to let it be known as a window for people to peer into the things that make me ...me.

Most people know that I love movies, which is the first layer into my life. However, very few know which movies I love, which movies I dislike, what makes a good movie in my opinion, or better yet...why love a certain movie. So, in some respects this blog will attempt to take away a few layers into the depths of my being and archive them in such a way that others can view and interact with.

So without further ado, keep reading.


OneFehlSwoop said...

So in other words, NRG is like an onion? :)

Nathan Goss said...

Actually I would prefer to be just about ANYTHING, but an onion. They are without a doubt my least favorite thing to smell or mistakingly eat. Yuck.